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Liv’in Alchemy

How you Think & Feel is a Choice
How you think and feel is a choice, it has nothing to do with what is happening in your environment or how people make you feel. It may seem like people have some control over us like...
How does reading Love-hate fiction impact our reality?
If you love reading fiction then you should know this. Say you are reading a romance novel with some kind of betrayal in it and all of a sudden you start to feel the same emotions the narrator of the...
When you don't know what to do
It is quite frustrating when everyone around you knows what they are here to do and why. Sometimes it seems like everyone knows their purpose here except you. I keep questioning myself why do these...
A Spiritual Message: Answer The Call
A Spiritual Call is here now. All I know is that it takes a lot of courage to walk the path less traveled. You don’t want to do it because it doesn’t make any sense to you and the people...
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