Liv'in Alchemy
Transmuting Pain into endless Possibilities
How you think and feel is a choice, it has nothing to do with what is happening in your environment...
If you love reading fiction then you should know this.
Say you are reading a romance novel with some...
It is quite frustrating when everyone around you knows what they are here to do and why. Sometimes it seems...
A Spiritual Call is here now.
All I know is that it takes a lot of courage to walk the path less traveled....
If you’re someone who wants to get out of your head but finds it difficult then this article is...
Have you ever felt like you need to prove yourself or that no one is going to believe you?...
If you feel uncomfortable or hate attention then this article is for you.
For so long I never liked...
If you want to manifest anything in your life then the only thing that you need to do is to return your...
If compliments make you uncomfortable or cringe then you need to read this.
I still remember as a child...
“An Alchemist is an expert at transmutation; a practitioner capable of mystical transformation at the highest level of order; A problem- solver, a life- changer, an unlimited creator.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza